First of all, we learnt to redirect all the messages we could receive in our university platform (MiAulario) to an usual account we use. This was quite surprising because after use this platform since our first course in the university, none of us or most of us, didn't know that we could do that or and even how to do it.
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Coggle Logo |
Secondly, we talked about the digital competence, what it is and which are its dimensions (information, communication, content creation, safety and problem solving). Our next task was to made a mind map about this competence, specially one dimension of it. My group and I made our presentation about the information dimension and to show to the rest of the class what we have done, we used Coggle.
In my opinion, Coggle is a tool which we can use to make mind maps, but the only problem that I found, is that is better to use specific words or concepts with this tool because it is quite simple.
About the digitial competence, I think that this competence should have more importance than the one it has now because nowadays everything goes online (information, social relationships, entertainment, etc.)
On the next session, we created a wiki. First, we created our own wiki and then we joined to the one of our professor. Moreover, each group wrote an entrance in the teacher's wiki about the advantages and disadvantages of the tool that we have used to made our mind map, in our case, Coggle.
From my point of view, this session was quite chaotic because of the problems we had with the webpage. All the groups were uploading their work as the same time so this make the webpage fail.
The next thing we learnt, was about PLE and VLE. PLE stands for Personal Learning Environment, and it refers to all the tools, services and connections that we use to achieve different goals related to competence development. Its main advantage is to make our students aware of their own learning process.
On the other hand, VLE stands for Virtual Learning Environment, and it refers to a virtual space that was designed to develop different ways of learning between the people who is allowed to enter the virtual space.
On the next image one could see my initial PLE. It is composed by different apps that I usually use on my daily life.
Initial PLE
In addition, in this first part of the subject, we have learnt to create different activities for our students with Hot Potatoes and Quizlet.

Hot Potatoes Logo Quizlet Logo
Hot Potatoes is a tool that allows you to create different types of interactive activities: multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill.
Quizlet is a webpage where students can learn by playing quizzes and they can also test themselves.
In my opinion, both are useful tools that teachers can use in their classroom to make different activities and tests that may motivate learners because they include new technologies in their learning process. The one that I like the most was Quizlet because it has more interactive way of learning. In other words, it has games that make the children think that they are playing and not doing an exercise to learn, this is learning by playing.
If you click here, you would be redirected to a document in Google Drive that you can download and check a Hot Potatoe created by me. It was created for a first Primary Education classroom with the human body topic.
If you click here, you would be redirected to a Quizlet created by me for a first Primary Education classroom with the human body topic.
Finally, we made a digital story with Story Jumper. This webpage allows you to create a digital "book" with your own characters and scenes.Moreover you can choose your front and back cover and you can dedicate it if you want to.
If you click here, you would be redirected to a story titled "Two little fishes" that I have created with this webpage, Story Jumper.
I personally think that this website is a very motivating tool to make our students develop their imagination and creativity while learning and playing, creating their own stories because it is very easy to work with. I really like it and I would use it when teaching.
To conclude, I would say that all this websites that we have seen are useful, for us as students and as a teachers. The webpage that I liked the most as a student was Symbaloo because this site help you to organise all the sites that you visit and use daily in a unique webpage. As a teacher, I liked the most Story Jumper because, as I have said before, it helps to develop our students imagination and creativity by making them the authors of their own "books". In addition, it is easy to work with, so it can be used in all Primary Education levels.
In my opinion, both are useful tools that teachers can use in their classroom to make different activities and tests that may motivate learners because they include new technologies in their learning process. The one that I like the most was Quizlet because it has more interactive way of learning. In other words, it has games that make the children think that they are playing and not doing an exercise to learn, this is learning by playing.
If you click here, you would be redirected to a document in Google Drive that you can download and check a Hot Potatoe created by me. It was created for a first Primary Education classroom with the human body topic.
If you click here, you would be redirected to a Quizlet created by me for a first Primary Education classroom with the human body topic.
Finally, we made a digital story with Story Jumper. This webpage allows you to create a digital "book" with your own characters and scenes.Moreover you can choose your front and back cover and you can dedicate it if you want to.
Story Jumper Logo
If you click here, you would be redirected to a story titled "Two little fishes" that I have created with this webpage, Story Jumper.
I personally think that this website is a very motivating tool to make our students develop their imagination and creativity while learning and playing, creating their own stories because it is very easy to work with. I really like it and I would use it when teaching.
To conclude, I would say that all this websites that we have seen are useful, for us as students and as a teachers. The webpage that I liked the most as a student was Symbaloo because this site help you to organise all the sites that you visit and use daily in a unique webpage. As a teacher, I liked the most Story Jumper because, as I have said before, it helps to develop our students imagination and creativity by making them the authors of their own "books". In addition, it is easy to work with, so it can be used in all Primary Education levels.
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